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Station Name Current Temperature (°F) Min Temp (°F)
Since Midnight (CST)
Max Temp (°F)
Since Midnight (CST)
Humidity (%)
Spring Hill Water Supply 60 53 60
Sloan Ranch San Saba 54 -3 -3
Corpus Christi Bay Buoy 32 -39 -38
LaRosa Ranch Refugio 47 40 64 1
Pecos County Line 62 44 63 40
Edwards Stations 67 44 67 42
John Dorris Station 67 45 67 43
Escalera Ranch Headquarters 68 42 68 44
CHAA Ranch 64 50 64 44
Alamito Ranch 68 40 68 45
Independence Creek 64 46 64 46
Escalera Flat Farm 69 42 69 47
Royal Farms Culberson 64 39 64 48
C.E. Miller 66 40 66 48
Lobo Farms Culberson 64 40 64 49
Cuervo Ranch 64 45 64 50
PGF Fabens 64 38 64 51
Escondido Draw Recreation Area 63 48 63 51
Baker Suave Lomas 60 51 61 56
Devils River DAH 63 51 63 59
Crystal City Weather Station 66 51 66 61
Gray Ranch 59 49 59 63
Parks Ranch Goliad 55 53 64 65
Southwest Coke 60 50 60 65
Roy Blair Coke 59 49 59 67
Devils River Del Norte 59 48 59 67
Bull Wagon 60 51 60 74
RBar Menard 61 48 61 75
Rancho Los Comitas 66 53 66 76
Paul Williams Runnells 57 50 57 76
Winton Milliff Runnells 58 49 58 79
Hellen Station 65 52 66 81
Kickapoo Ranch 60 49 60 81
LeDrew Arrott Coke 56 49 56 82
Y Bar Ranch West 63 53 63 82
Epperson Farm 55 49 55 84
Mason Wildlife Management Area 57 48 57 85
Gilbert N Saenz 62 53 62 85
Duval County Park 66 53 66 85
Sutton County East 57 48 57 86
Tierra Alta 56 48 56 86
Diamond Half Ranch 65 55 65 87
Buchanan 53 50 55 87
Wied Ranch 73 59 74 88
Camp Eagle 59 47 59 88
Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District 53 49 54 89
Don Daniel Mason 56 48 56 89
Coke Stevenson Ranch 57 48 57 89
Garner State Park 59 48 59 90
Duke Ranch 71 61 72 90
Wheeler Branch Station 54 53 56 90
Prairie Hill Nocona 54 47 54 91
Sutton County Central 55 47 55 92
Filter Plant Nocona 54 48 54 92
Blum ISD Farm 52 50 53 92
Jim Embree Williamson 56 52 56 92
Mustang Special 52 47 52 92
Dentler 71 61 71 92
Game Warden Training Center 55 49 55 92
Berkley Ranch 53 47 53 93
City of Alvarado 52 50 54 93
Grones Ranch 60 54 60 94
City of Troy 54 50 55 94
Corsicana Pump Station 52 51 55 94
SANDA 67 53 67 94
Pennell Cattle Co 69 60 69 94
Three Oaks 65 56 65 94
dA Ranch 57 48 57 94
Big Dog Ranch 54 49 54 95
Phyllis Thomas Bandera 60 49 60 95
Russell Farms 62 58 62 95
Sarita Station 62 58 70 95
RA Ranch Weather Station 54 50 55 95
Wegenhoft 70 57 70 96
Strey Ranch 60 52 60 96
BQ5 Ranch 66 60 66 96
Spring Hill Water Supply Plant 59 53 59 96
Doc Curb Pump Station 54 51 55 96
River Ridge Ranch 54 51 55 96
Kerr WMA 57 46 57 96
Paul Tybor Gillespie 58 48 58 96
Texas AgriScience 63 56 63 96
Nansco Farms 48 34 48 96
Lake Madisonville 56 51 56 96
Goetsch Ranch 60 55 60 96
Holt Oaks Ranch 58 49 59 97
Arnosky Farms 57 49 57 97
Bernardo Fire Station 71 55 71 97
Jones Ranch 60 55 61 97
Baker Ranch 58 53 58 97
Los Machos Farm 61 7 61 97
Sutton County West 52 47 53 97
City of Rogers 55 53 57 97
City of Carthage 49 36 49 97
Pawnee Ranch 62 57 63 97
Blanco Middle School 58 49 58 97
Good Hope Ranch Station 45 36 45 98
EAA Field Research Park 60 53 60 98
Henderson County North 51 48 51 98
Wood County East 51 36 51 99
Altwein Rd 56 46 56 100
Headwaters Ranch 57 47 57 100
Love Creek Preserve 58 46 58 100
HEBFF Camps 58 47 58 100
RB Farms Inc 66 60 70 100
Pecan Grove Farms 57 52 57 100
Aquilla Water Supply District 52 50 55 100
Lake Murvaul Panola 48 37 48 100
Lake Striker Rusk 54 40 54 100
Vaca Moo Airport 51 47 51 100
Old Country Acres 47 37 47 100